Sustainable Firewood
Firewood shop.
Our firewood shop is open on Mondays (except bank holidays or during Cheshire West and Chester School holidays) from 15:00 until 18:00. If you want to book a collection on another day or at another time then please email by clicking here and fill in the blanks. We will get back to you with the price and a confirmation of collection date and time.
The price of a log net is £5.25 which is £5 + VAT at 5%.
Why don't we deliver? We could but the cost of running the trucks and paying the extra staff would be added to the cost of the logs so we don't. Our regular customers don't mind picking up small loads regularly. It avoids having to try and find space and time to deal with dumpy bags or tipped loads.
Why do we only make log nets? The answer is tied to the difference between a cubic metre, a tight stacked cubic metre and a loose stacked cubic metre. You can't burn a solid cube so you want a tight stack with the logs having as little air between them as possible in the stack. The bigger the stack, the more air so smaller units help increase the density. 40 log nets is just a touch over a tight stacked cubic metre. The recognised conversion is that a tight stacked cubic metre is 0.8 of a cubic metre of wood and a loose stacked cubic metre, that's your dumpy bags and tipped loads, is 0.6 of a cubic metre of wood. It's easier to see what you are getting if the nets are small.
Where does your wood come from? We currently have 2 active felling licences, one at Andrew's Wood in Ashton Hayes which runs until 2025 and one for William's Wood in Tarvin which runs until 2026.
Periodically we do a price comparison to show the cost per kWh of firewood. For example, a log net weighing 13kg with moisture content of 20% (maximum allowed under ready to burn) costing £5.25 and burnt in a log burner of 85% efficiency gives 45.2kWh at 12p per kWh. If you want a live test done as you purchase, that's fine, you will need to tell us the % efficiency of your log burner and then we will weigh a net, take the moisture content and press a button on the point of sale and it will tell you the cost per kWh of that net or if you really want we will do the whole purchase.
The first mobile firewood factory has just been completed. It's a 40ft shipping container with doors at both ends and a bulkhead welded across the centre. One end is for logging, splitting, drying and netting and the other end is for storing the log nets. We designed it to travel to the work site and sit on the landing area so we can process the wood where it is felled. It's so much more efficient than making log piles, moving log piles, making new log piles and then moving them again to process the logs down into nets. Each mobile factory is able to be safely operated by one person with the other three felling the trees.
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